Teknetics T2+ LTD field practice metal detector

Categories: Teknetics - recenze a testy

First impressions

The overall processing looks very good and compared to the classic T2 and T2 SE, it is only green in colour with the classic adjustment of the rod length through the locking pin and tightening nut. The length can be adjusted even for a real lurker and traditionally the ergonomics of the handle do not affect the good balance and thus retain a pretty decent comfort even with long use. The handle rest can be moved again classically by loosening the nuts and fully removing the two fixing screws.

The DD 28 cm reel is basic, but in my opinion it is the best choice there is! There is a large and clear display with easy mode switching and the possibility of adjusting the selected mode. At first glance, the display is again the same as the T2 and T2 SE, but the function is slightly different!

Thanks to the Treasure Hunter. cz team I had the opportunity to try it out for myself. Basically it was always my dream to own one, back then though the T2 SE but it still didn't happen in the end. However, for a long time I walked around with my own detector, which I purchased in 2014 Teknetics G2, and I must emphasize that even today I still remember it very fondly and quite often.

Basic settings

Switching on and setting up the detector is inherently very simple and easy for the user to remember. There are two standard programs: All metal and Discrimination mode. Here I would highlight the "threshold tone" option in All metal - this is a great feature and not every detector has this option. By pressing the unmissable raised "MENU" button we get to the program selection, on the unit the left potentiometer so we can select the program, turning to the left to All metal or to the right to Discrimination. Pressing the button again, we gradually get to the choice: (All metal) / SENSITIVITY / HUM LEVEL / MANUAL G.C. In mode: (Discrimination) / SENSITIVITY / DISC. LEVEL / #OF TONES


All metal:

SENSITIVITY - sensitivity 1- 99, automatically set to 60 at any start.

HUM LEVEL - This program is the only one that has a threshold tone that is constantly murmuring in the background - but it can be very easily adjusted as the user desires if they walkIf you are wearing headphones (as is the case with me) the ideal setting is 1, if you don't have headphones and are only using a microphone, it is preferable to add 2. 3, 4, simply according to the audibility, the total value of the setting is -9 to +9. This setting is only in All metal but the function remains even if you switch to discriminative mode.
I've tried it, and it helps quite a bit if you tend to fade out - it simply puts you back in the game. Plus, it adds a slight range boost.

MANUAL GC: The ability to adjust the ground balance due to mineralization. Setting it correctly is very simple and quick. By pressing the bottom "trigger" lever and pumping the coil, you watch when the ID value stabilizes and you're done.

Discrimination mode:

Discrimination - here, as the name of the function suggests, iron and small ferrous waste can be eliminated. Iron can thus be eliminated completely. The values are given as 0 - 80. More than 80 cannot be set which is quite logical - because the detector would not actually be able to detect anything anymore.

#OF TONES - Sound selection (tone response), the options are : 1 / 1+ / 2+ / 3 / 3b / 4 / dP / bP / CL

1: Single tone selection - mid tone

1+: Single tone selection - mid tone in varying proportion to the signal depth strength

2+: Two-tone selection

3: Three different tones for different types of metals, classically iron low tone, aluminum foil and zinc medium tone and non-ferrous metals copper, brass, bronze high tone.

3b: Basically identical to 3 tone, but there is a new feature where it eliminates metal caps from beer bottles, soda bottles, etc. to a decent degree. So if there is colored metal nearby this feature will prevent signal interference and make the color more accessible.

4: Quaternary tone - again classically four different tones for different types of metal.

dP: Delta Pitch - in my opinion the best choice of different extra tones with the elimination of metal caps similar to the 3b tones.

bP: A similar choice of tones to 2+, this is a very sensitive choice for really deep searching, fits also suitable for fields where there are large chunks of topsoil after deep ploughing, can also be used in meadows where there is high vegetation. However, you need to slow down a lot with this choice and move the coil really slowly. The response to metal is therefore much slower.

CL: This selection has an increased sensitivity, provided you slow down the coil movement again and adapt the walking to this purpose. It is the deepest possible mode. This is also where the tresholde setting in All metal is most effective.

The setting I used:

Discrimination mode

SENSITIVITY - totally cool 80 - 85 I have walked similar settings with the G2 and again I was reassured that even this high the detector is very stable. However, it is important to note that you first need to set the ground detune to a lower sensitivity value of about 70 and then increase the sensitivity.

DISCRIMINATION - By default I set it to 5 max 7-8, higher is no use as even some small Ag can hide and you will miss them unnecessarily.

TONE selection - I tried all modes and dP impressed me the most and fit me well, it was worse with bP but I almost didn't give CL anymore. The other tonal choices are kind of commonplace.

Final summary

I was able to test for quite a long time, about three months. The detector is top quality and there is no doubt about it. The sound from the speaker is beautifully audible and very distinctive. Operation and setup is very quick and with a little practice, easy to remember.

Unfortunately, I also encountered some problems, the start of the detector is solved by a rotary potentiometer on the side of the battery pack and it increases the volume of the sound at the same time, and as classically when trackingWhen I put the detector down, it happened to me several times that I moved the potentiometer a lump and either almost went deaf or on the contrary heard almost nothing. Since I didn't know this way of switching before, it was quite upsetting. What we find as a big disadvantage is the headphone output solved in this type of detector and all previous types in the back of the battery block. On the G2 this was handled more elegantly on the left side of the unit with the display. The headphones drag a lot when you are using them, or you move the whole detector forward. Another disadvantage is that when you have the detector set up and turn it off - you de-facto erase the memory, at least what you have set up, but it has a little logic - when you start it, the sensitivity is automatically set to 60 and the detector actually subtly forces you to work with it. After a few setups and shutdowns, it's not even surprising anymore, because the setup is really quick and easy.

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Pěkné rychle shrnutí, naopak umístění vývodu pro sluchátka mě přijde dobře umístěno, při máchaní nikde nelítá kabel, v Mars sluchátkách to zní dobře a BT modul od marsu si taky s T2 rozumí pěkně. Chodím většinou v 2B/2C tónu ta VCO odezva je skvělá, ten DP mě hlavně v železe přijde hodně divokej a musel jsem ubírat citlivost. Boost proces mě přijde o něco rychlejší než u F75 a dá se při pomalejším máchání chodit skoro všude, na poli klidně jen s citlivostí 70 , bere to pak až zbytečnou droboť na relativně nízkou frekvenci. CL se dá využít při hledání v borůvčí kde je plynulej pohyb sondou nemožnej, i při hodně pomalým pohybu to vezme. ALL metal to čistýho lesa je radost :-). A ta nekonečná výdrž na 4 tužkovky při využití sluchátek je taky pecka. Dokoupil jsem superfly cívku od Nelu a ikdyž jsem T2 kupoval jako záložní , nedám ho skoro z ruky. :) Za 10 sekund nastavíš napumpuješ zem a jdeš :) žádný staroti

ID 95 na rusolágru je vždycky 5 marka.. :-DChodil jsem vedle T2 osm let..

A ID 91 je 2 Marka :-)
S "téčkem" chodím stále a krom toho, že si ho občas nechtíc ztiším cípem bundy (popsáno i v článku) tak na něj nemůžu říci křivýho slova :-)

Po zapnutí, schovám ten čudl pod kryt bateriovýho boxu a je klid :-)

Nechtěné zesilování otěrem jsem u Fisher F70 ( stejný bateriový box) vyřesil přemístěním potenciometru na spodní stranu boxu před mřížku reproduktoru stačilo vyvrtat díru a byl klid.🙂

Zajímalo by mne jak "Mocný" je zde u T2 DST system na různá EMI rušení, .. s F 70 se s postupem let a čím dál větším zarušení EMI už nedalo tak pohodově hledat jako před lety....brebentil a brebentil .
S Teknetics G2 který jede na vyšší frekvenci je na lokalitách klid a detektor je velice stabilní.

Zatím se mi nestalo že bych musel vlivem zarušení stahovat citlivost, moc teda nechodím někde poblíž města/vesnice. Na hledání mám vypnuto, ale ikdyž mám v kapse telefon kde jsou zapnutá data, a dvě simky hledají signál, tak úplně bez problémů. Doma v technický mistnosti kde je wifi , tep čerpadlo rekuperace atd. se taky dá zapnout a není extra zarušenej ;-)

Ještě jsem se tam zapoměl zmínit o tom že se dají u tohoto modelu eliminovat i rušení od jiných detektorů, nebo i el.ohradníků, drátů vysokého napětí a pod. To jsem sice nevyužil ale ta možnost posunu frekvence tady je: Posun frekvence MENU + (Pinpoint) stlačíte menu a zároveň pohybujete stlačením spodní páčky „trigger“ – F1 až F7 ;-)

jen dotaz ať nemusím hledat v článku drží paměť ,nebo se po každém zapnutí musí znovu nastavovat

to Kim. Ne jakmile ho vypneš - musíš nastavovat znovu.

cobra: takže se nic u Teknetics nezměnilo to mě mrzí. Fischer se nikam neposunuje a druhé vrata fabriky koukám taky nikam :,-(

Na UK fórech proběhlo něco o tom že 2024 má být nový model, i tady se nějaká zmínka byla. Tak třeba se dočkáme :-)

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