Cibule polní

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Artifact category

Identified category:
User feedback: Pocket Clock (17 názorů), Parts of the clock (3 názory) sock: Pocket Clock, Mac: Parts of the clock, Sudetenland: Pocket Clock, Poke: Pocket Clock, kamenozrout: Pocket Clock, jelda80: Pocket Clock, : Pocket Clock, joeblack: Pocket Clock, IRONMAN: Parts of the clock, ondrasecek: Pocket Clock, Tele: Pocket Clock, s66: Pocket Clock, Tygrklok: Pocket Clock, buscador: Pocket Clock, SirMaik: Pocket Clock, Vlnovec: Pocket Clock, : Parts of the clock, skarkis: Pocket Clock, buffalo14: Pocket Clock, Cilda: Pocket Clock

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Cibule polní
Cibule polní
Cibule polní

Circumstances of the finding

Location:Jihočeský kraj
State of soil:Damp
Depth of the finding:10 cm
Used detector:X-TERRA 705, Mars Tiger
3 votes
3 votes
Cilda Cilda Facebook
23 December 2015,
3 January 2016


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