Metal detectors and treasure hunting

Forum for searchers
with metal detectors.

History, archeology, reviews and tests of metal detectors

The Hussite period

The Hussite period

38630 3
The Hussite period is one of the most important parts of our history, It is credited with the origin of the Czech Reformation, the foundations of which were laid by Master Jan Hus. It was a great contribution to the European spiritual heritage, and on this scale we can compare ourselves even with such nations as the English or French
Why Sokolov was called Falknov

Why Sokolov was called Falknov

27666 1
Where was Falknov or Birndorf? You might be interested in a list of the old original names of some villages in the west of our country....


35311 2
According to published estimates, there are approximately 650,000 ships lying along the shores of the Americas. In recent history, from 1824 to 1962, an additional 1,500 ships sank in the same area with an estimated cargo value of.....
Romanian Treasure

Romanian Treasure

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The Romanian Prime Minister must quickly decide where the treasure will be taken. Proposals to send the treasure to London and the United States, as well as to neutral countries such as Denmark, are successively rejected. The Romanians are afraid of the North Sea and the German submarine fleet. In the end, the choice falls...
Viking Treasure

Viking Treasure

31758 9
You may have seen this discovery in the news a few days ago, as I did. After a short spot that ran on CT, I checked out the BBC website and drooled in mute amazement at the keyboard of the nouveau riche.
Flotilla 1715

Flotilla 1715

36111 9
In June 1715, a very strong hurricane hit the Florida beaches. When the storm subsided, 11 ships of the Silver Fleet were at the bottom of the ocean. These medieval "convoys" carried treasures from the New World to Spain.
I-52 Golden Submarine

I-52 Golden Submarine

45534 4
I-52, also known as the Golden Submarine because of its latest cargo. However, the gold she carried in payment for technology and war materials never made it to occupied France.

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